I am remembering the circus today, both vintage (my girlhood) and contemporary! All I have to do is close my eyes and I can be right back there in the stands under the big top. Oh, the earthy smells of the animals mingled with popcorn and sticky, sugar lollipops! I recall the flyers nailed to every telephone pole down the street...how about you? There was a wonderful book called Toby Tyler or 10 Weeks with a Circus written in 1881 which chronicled the story of a boy who runs away from home to join the circus...I must have read that book a half a dozen times as a young girl in the sixties! And while the concepts of the circus have gotten more exotic, think Cirque du Soleil...there is still the romance of the big top.
Today's Ways to Use it Challenge on SCS was to include foil in your design... well, I'm still playing around with the 'Never-ending' card from Monday. Dawn's template is
here.I thought it would be fun to do a larger card, sort of like you ripped the flyer off the pole to carry to the circus! I have used Artistic Outpost's wonderful sets, Vintage Circus and Clowns to create four vignettes for the circus of my memory! K&CO's Daydreams provided the cool doubled sides paper. If you would like all the details, please click over to my gallery on SCS.
Now you tell me, what memories to you have of circuses?