thanks are in order for three very special ladies for recently tagging me with awards. JennyS (uk), Teza and CarolynV , all of whom I met through the 365 Card Blog. From one side of the pond to the edge of the 'tuther! I am honored you thought of me with the Circle of Friends and the Kreativ Blogger.
When I was looking through some of my pictures yesterday, I came across this one of the most famous bridge in the world. I was struck with the thought as it connects Marin County to San Francisco proper, it also connects people, lovers, children, friends. And our blogs are all islands floating through cyberspace. They've come to be the modern day way stations of life. And we are drawn to them for beauty, pause, refreshment, instruction, encouragement and inspiration.
So here's to JennyS(uk) and Teza 5 things I like to do in no particular order of importance:
1). I love to watch my two sons operate in their passions; as I write this oldest DS is composing at the table with his 49 key computer keyboard and MAC and singing...oh, I love that. Youngest DS does hip hop to swing, to singing Jesus loves me to tiny children at Vacation Bible School to rapping.
2). I love to come up on my DH and catch that look of love in his eyes STILL after all these years. I suspect it something that could not be captured in a photograph. I just see it...
3). I adore sharing the wonder of God's creation everyday. I believe we must keep our eyes in focus to the beauty around us, no matter how small. ie: a group of garden spiders weaving their webs across my walk...spiders eek, webs majestic!
4). I move by my own clock, I must must have time for leisure.
5). Feeding my family and friends is a passion.
And to CarolynV 7 things people might find interesting:
1). I love mountain climbing, though I didn't begin until my 50's!
2). I am a disorganized person...but somehow it works for me.
3). I am shy.
4). I try not to follow trends...why can't we have retro releases, use what we have, stop the consumer merry-go-round! I like companies who keep their images year after year...ok so I know this one was a soapbox!!!
5).Almost anything makes me cry.
6). I am an avid but slow reader...I always find my books at the thrift shop.
7).I am a lark and a night owl.
Thanks again, JennyS(uk), Teza and CarolynV for connecting your way stations to mine...I'll be hopping on over for a spot of tea!